Only the rims are sold as a set of 4.
- Porsche 911 65-73 911 2.4 E 1971-1973 2341cc
- Porsche 911 65-73 911 2.4 E TARGA 1971-1973 2341cc
- Porsche 911 65-73 911 2.4 S 1971-1973 2341cc
- Porsche 911 65-73 911 2.4 S TARGA 1971-1973 2341cc
- Porsche 911 65-73 911 2.4 T 1971-1973 2341cc
- Porsche 911 65-73 911 2.4 T TARGA 1971-1973 2341cc
- Porsche 911 65-73 911 2.7 CARRERA RS 1972-1973 2687cc
- Porsche 911 65-73 911 2.7 CARRERA RS LIGHTWEIGHT 1972-1973 2687cc
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